Tool Rack
The design STL file for this project can be downloaded as a digital download. It is a simple design and there is a small charge for the STL file. Download the file as a ZIP file, decompress it and process the file through your Slicer software to generate the gcode for your own printer.
Dimensions are roughly 100mm wide and 150mm high. The thickness is 5mm.
The fittings are designed for 12mm diameter dowel which fits in quite snuggly.
Printing is fairly straight forward, with it being up to you what parameters you want to use.
You might want extract the fitting portion from the STL as a test print and scale that part to fit your dowel if you are using something different.
Note: the dowel is not supplied - you can source your own or use any leftovers in your wood scrap bin.

The dowel is your choice of supplier, I used a local DIY, with the length of the dowel being 92cm. This cut into 3 x 30cm lengths which is makes quite a nice rack.

Assembly is straight forward. Size test the dowel in the printed fitting. If the fitting is to small you have the option of trimming (whittling) down the dowel ends to fit. Not snug enough you could use some epoxy glue. It might be possible if the fit is quite close to gently heat up the 3d printed part to ease the dowel into place.
Standing the rack on end on a piece of scrap wood, putting the dowels in place, adding the other end to achieve a loose fit, putting another piece of scrap wood on top and gently hit with a hammer or mallet eases the dowel into the fittings.
This is a really neat way of keeping your pliers and wire handling tools organised and to hand when working on a project!
Note that the STL file is for your own use only and should not be redistributed, given away to others or published on the web.